Our Corporate Packages
Find the level of service that works for you.
Premium Bouquet
Yearly Retainership
- In-depth performance training
- Evaluation of staff: Emotional wellness
- Art Therapy/Counseling Event bi-annually
- Unlimited access
- Performance coaching for staffs once a month
- Free one on one sessions for specific employees based on recommendation
- Follow up sessions
- Clarity sessions for management executives
- General report
Premium Bouquet
Monthly Retainership
- General performance coaching for staff
- Clarity sessions for management executives/ employees
- Evaluation of employees: emotional wellness
- General report
Premium Bouquet
One off Sessions (ad-hoc)
- Starters: Enlightenment/Knowledge sharing/ vulnerability session
- Intermediate: more interactive/ statement of problem by employees/ proferment of solutions/vulnerability session/ healing hugs
- Intense: Highly interactive/ result oriented/ follow up session after the event/ vulnerability session/ healing hugs/ customized affirmations giveaway ( 3 free sessions of therapy), employees have access to free 15 minutes consultation after the session.